Fall 2019 Schedule: Updated October 13, 2019
Great news! We have created more specialized sessions to better meet the needs of our members. Many days and locations are the same but there are a few small changes.
Parent & Tot = skaters 3-4 years old (brand new to skating) - 2 year olds welcome only if they will be turning 3 within the first 4 weeks of the session. This session is for those skaters who do not feel comfortable leaving a parent rinkside. Parents must register with Skate Canada and wear a helmet.
Pre-Canskate = skaters 3-4 years old (brand new to skating) - 2 year olds welcome only if they will be turning 3 within the first 4 weeks of the session.
Canskate A = skaters 4 & 5 years old working on Stages 1 & 2
Canskate B = skaters 6 years of age & up working on Stages 1-3
Canskate C = skaters (all ages) working on Stages 4-6
Rising Stars = skaters (all ages) working on Stages 4-6 (interested in progressing into Figure Skating - STARskate)
Hockey Fundamentals A = skaters 5-6 years old who have achieved at least a Pre-Canskate ribbon (interested in progressing into Hockey/Ringette)
Hockey Fundamentals B = skaters 7-8 years old (Novice) or who have achieved at least a Stage 3 Canskate badge (interested in progressing into Hockey/Ringette)
Hockey Fundamentals C = skaters 9-12 years old (Atom/PeeWee) or who have achieved at least a Stage 3 Canskate badge (interested in progressing into Hockey/Ringette)
11:00am-11:45am Pre-Canskate/Canskate A
(11:00am-11:15am off ice warm up)
11:40am-12:30pm Canskate A/B/C
(11:40am-11:45am off ice warm up)
12:15pm-1:00pm Pre-Canskate/Parent & Tot
(12:15pm-12:30pm off ice warm up)
Fort William Gardens:
FALL 2019
3:10pm-4:00pm Canskate A/B/C
(3:10pm-3:15pm off ice warm up) *New*
3:15pm-4:00pm Pre-Canskate
(3:15pm-3:30pm off ice warm up)
3:30pm-4:00pm Rising Stars/Star 1 off ice jumps
4:15pm-5:00pm Rising Stars/Star 1
5:00pm-5:30pm Star 1+ Enhancement
5:30pm-6:30pm Star 2+
6:30pm-7:30pm Teen/Adult Active for Life
6:45pm-7:15pm Star 2+ off ice jumps
Fort William Gardens:
FALL 2019
4:00pm-4:30pm Star 3+ enhancement
4:30pm-5:30pm Star 3+
5:30pm-6:15pm Canskate A/B/C
(5:25pm-5:30pm off ice warm up)
5:30pm-6:15pm Pre-Canskate
(5:30pm-5:45pm off ice warm up)
6:10pm-7:00pm Hockey Fundamentals B/C
*New* (6:10pm-6:15pm off ice warm up)
Fort William Gardens:
4:00pm-4:30pm Star 3+ Enhancement
4:30pm-5:15pm Star 3+
5:10pm-6:00pm Hockey Fundamentals A
*New* (5:10pm-5:15pm off ice warm up)
5:20pm-5:50pm Star 1+ off ice jumps
6:00pm-6:30pm Star 1-3 Enhancement
6:30pm-7:00pm Star 1-3
4:00pm-4:30pm Star 3+ Enhancement
4:30pm-5:15pm Star 3+
5:10pm-6:00pm Hockey Fundamentals A
*New* (5:10pm-5:15pm off ice warm up)
5:20pm-5:50pm Star 1+ off ice jumps
6:00pm-6:30pm Star 1-3 Enhancement
6:30pm-7:00pm Star 1-3
Fort William Gardens:
4:00pm-4:30pm Star 3+ Enhancement
4:30pm-5:30pm Star 3+
5:25pm-6:15pm Canskate A&B
(5:25pm-5:30pm off ice warm up)
5:30pm-6:15pm Pre-Canskate
(5:30pm-5:45pm off ice warm up)
5:30pm-7:00pm Rising Stars/Canskate C/Teen&Adult Learn to Skate
(5:30pm-6:00pm off ice conditioning)
Fort William Gardens:
4:10pm-5:15pm STAR 2+
5:10pm-6:00pm Hockey Fundamentals A/B/C
*New* (5:10pm-5:15pm off ice warm up)
5:30pm-6:15pm Sweat Club (off ice conditioning)
Current River:
5:10pm-6:00pm Canskate A/B/C
(5:10pm-5:15pm off ice warm up)
4:25pm-5:15pm Canskate A&B
(4:25pm-4:30pm off ice warm up)
5:15pm-6:00pm Pre-Canskate/Parent & Tot
(5:15pm-5:30pm off ice warm up)
5:40pm-6:30pm Canskate A/B/C/Adult Beginner
(5:55pm-6:00pm off ice warm up)
2:00pm-2:45pm Pre-Canskate/ Parent & Tot
(2:00pm-2:15pm off ice warm up)
2:40pm-3:30pm Canskate A/B/C
(2:40pm-2:45pm off ice warm up)
3:15pm-4:00pm Pre-Canskate
(3:15pm-3:30pm off ice)